The application of grease smoke point meter in modern oil detection has become more and more extensive. It has made outstanding contributions to ensure the quality of edible oils and fats and protect the personal safety of consumers. As people pay more attention to the health and quality of edible oils, the oil smoke point meter is not only used in the testing department, but also used in edible oil production enterprises and storage, which further enhances the smoke point of fats and oils. The scope of use and the amount of use.

Fat smoke detector

As the oil smoke point instrument is used in the process, it needs to use high temperature to heat the oil, so there is a certain safety risk. To protect the instrument and personal safety, in the process of using the grease smoke point instrument, pay special attention to the following matters:
1. After the end of the measurement experiment, use forceps to remove the cup. Prevention of burns, because at this time the temperature of the oil cup is very high, so be sure to wait for the cold and then wash with water, or hot oil may cause hot blast injury.
2. The electric furnace is an important component for heating grease. After the experiment is completed, the temperature will be relatively high. To ensure personal safety, the electric furnace must be cleaned after waiting for the cooling to finish. Clean the thermometer and temperature probe with clean paper.
3. Before the measurement, the sample cup must be kept clean, otherwise it may cause the measured smoke point value to be low, thus affecting the true reflection of the oil quality.
4. An important principle of the oil smoke point meter to measure the smoke point of grease is to observe the temperature of the first time when the oil is heated. Therefore, in the experiment, in order to observe the smoke easily and clearly, the experimental site should be selected as far as possible to avoid wind and Do it in a dark place.
5. In order to protect the oil smoke point instrument, in the temperature-controlled electric heating, we must pay attention to the safety protection of electrical components.
The above are the five major issues that need attention in the use of grease smoke point instrument. Of course, in actual operation, there may be more places that need attention. This requires the operator to be familiar with the structure, principle and operation method of the oil smoke point instrument. When problems are encountered, they can deal calmly and avoid unsafe operations to protect the safety of instruments and operators.

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