Unveil the veil D20 and debut Vice President of SAIC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shangchai, Lan Qingsong, Deputy General Manager of SAIC Commercial Vehicles, Yang Hanlin, and General Manager of Shangchai, Qian Jun, jointly unveiled the first new product. Xu Qiuhua, general manager of SAIC Datong, Pu Yushan, general manager of SAIC Nanjing Branch, Hao Jingxian, director of SAIC Commercial Vehicle Technology Center, Xu Hongyi, deputy general manager of SAIC Datong, and Li Wei, party secretary of Shangchai, witnessed this important historical moment. Leadership message In his speech, Lan Qingsong, vice president of SAIC Group, pointed out that as a research and development and supporting base for SAIC's own brand commercial vehicle engine and powertrain, D20 new products provide a new guarantee for achieving the accelerated development goal of Shangchai. Vice President Lan Qingsong requested that Shangchai deepen the integration of resources with the whole vehicle enterprises in the sector, continue to do a good job of cost and quality, provide more competitive products, and make greater contributions to the development of SAIC commercial vehicles.
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Lan Qingsong, Vice President of SAIC Group
On September 21, 2018, Shangchai's first new power product was off the assembly line and attracted attention. Some people say that with this new product off the assembly line, the company is bound to open a new diesel chapter in the development; some say it brings together a number of technology in a black, light commercial vehicles, SAIC will provide Thunder power products with strong market competitiveness.